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Ruhr Museum | photo archive

Digital photo archive

Since 2009, major holdings of the photo archive have been accessible on the Internet. In the digital image database, interested parties can conduct their own research, view images and place orders. The user has the unique opportunity to view photos in their context of origin and to compare motif variations, because the image database offers him or her a view of complete film strips, which are placed on the web as contact sheets. This offer on the Internet is constantly being expanded. So far, more than 4,000 glass negatives and almost 40,000 contact sheets have been integrated into the database - this corresponds to an estimated number of approximately 730,000 individual images of the various formats.

The realization of the image database project was only possible with the support of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation, which funded the creation of the image database for over four years.